Sunday, January 25, 2015

Korean Symphony @ Seoul Art Center

 Music is what light is for the eyes, for not only does it encapsulate the world in itself but also shows a path to the desperate and the desolate. And so I ended up at the 30th anniversary of the Seoul Art Center near Nambu terminal finding my way midst skilled violinists and their evermore skilled conductor.

The show was a 90 minute long performance featuring two great pieces of western classical work. With the infrastructure that only Beethoven and Mozart could imagine in their dreams, the concert hall was full of acoustic effects and beautiful designs.

Although the concert was a wee bit expensive, it was worth going there.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gansong exhibition

 It is rare that you see such beautiful arts depicting history and culture of a country in such a small and confined location as the Gansong exhibition. 

While walking around witnessing the prowess and dexterity of ancient Korean painters, it struck me hard about the human's need for potency, and how humans would take long and tiring efforts to record and propagate  their views of the world. 

The Korean style of art, highly influenced by the Chinese and the Japanese, is  a highly precise and detailed kind of art that allows the artist to put in as many details into a small piece as possible. Tiny scribbles resembling humans and animals are highly common in such paintings, often centered towards the center of the frame. The beauty of this kind of art resides in its ability to hide the obvious and make the observer go around the room figuring out the hidden characteristics of a piece of art.