Sunday, February 16, 2014

How to act like a GEEK (when you are not ONE)?

Hello Friends

Thanks for joining me again.

Today's post is about teaching you 'How to act like a GEEK (when you are not One)'.

*NO, we are not talking about WEARING big glasses, that is just too OLD FASHIONED. Today, we bring to you the latest happenings in the GEEK FAKERS world.*

So, for the purpose of today's post, I went to visit a local geek center (Jaipur Technical Fair).

*SEE right for the GEEKY poster of Jaipur Technical Fair*

 So, here's my first tip:

Take your pictures with AS MANY geeky posters as you can.

Here's me taking a photo with the poster of ROBOWAR (My friend decided that I was more IMPORTANT than the robot on the left, and so he skipped it, and took me in the frame instead.)

The second photo I took was with the ROBO SOCCER poster.

Personally, I don't know much about robots or soccer, but notice how I smile in the photo. (Yes, I am a BORN faker!!!).

And as before, my friend decided I was MORE important than the robots, and so he clipped the robot in the right and took me in.

(Call it a good friendship or bad photography skills, it's your call! SEE previous post to decide better! )

Alright, here's the next very IMPORTANT skill!


Here's me mocking the feeble stadium for the ROBOWAR event.

Yes, those are bricks painted white and black (I wonder why!), and they are not some extra terrestrial material imported from outer space for just this event. (Comes to thinking of it, bricks DO offer a cheap and ready solution for the outer boundaries of the stadium. Long live Indians, and their INDIAN-ness).

And here's the next very important tip!

SHOW OFF! (as often as you can!)

Here's me showing off with bikes (I hate the background, but there was no other option available.) Also, I hate to admit, but I don't know how to ride bikes, but see how confidently I pose in one of them. (Again, I am a BORN faker! )

And below is a photo of me driving one of the student made carts.

For those who are IMPRESSED by my driving skills, and are thinking of hiring me to drive for them, I want to tell them that I don't drie petrol, diesel, CNG or any other non-renewable resource driven cars. (I am environmental conscious!!!)

The cart that I am driving is, on the other hand, a solar powered cart. (Nothing new, but still impressive.)

And this is where I end my today's post. I am sorry to disappoint my readers for not sharing anymore important tips with them in this post, but stay tuned for future posts for they will contains tips on tons of other essential life skills.

But, before I say goodbye (and ask you readers to subscribe to my blog), here are some random pictures from the event.

The RoboWar in Action

The aftermath of the RoboWar-I

The aftermath of RoboWar-II

RoboSoccer in Action.

And now, I OFFICIALLY ask the readers to... SUBSCRIBE, and wish them a good day.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hello There

Today's post is about teaching the readers how to maintain long distant term friendships.

So, firstly, what you need is a positive attitude (as you ALL can see from the photo alongside. SEE how I SMILE and exude my positivity).

Call me a NARCISSIST, but this photo contains an important lesson which comes next.

The important lesson is.... REMEMBER to HOLD YOUR PHONES in your hand or give them to your friend to TAKE PHOTOS OF YOU (as I did).  This step would guard you from diseases caused by radiation and will increase your life expectancy (Yup, an increased life expectancy is one sure way to maintaining LONG term friendships).

 Secondly,  you need a good sense of humor (as you can see from the photo alongside. I am pretending that I have a gun in my hand, and I am shooting my friends with my imaginary gun. YES, I have an amazing sense of HUMOR!!!)

Observe my body language.

I am neither too confident (I am holding the gun in my right hand. I know I am a good shooter, but I also know I am not the best shooter around) nor too underconfident (I have a sharp focus on my target).

BAAM! and I took a shot!

Here's me with my friends.

SEE how I act like a boss.

Again, confidence is the KEY to maintaining long term friendships.

Here's me with Tarun (The science kid).

My friend shot the photo while he was busy calculating the optimal reflection/refraction ratio for his specks lens in the photo.

YES, Tarun. Your specks look perfectly fine in the photo!!!

Here's me with my other friends (Left: Ayush, Right: Tushar).

NOTICE the order of our height.

Seems like it pays after all to be the one in the middle. (The one of the left has to bend a little and the one on the right has to rise up a little, but I can just stand with my NORMAL height.)

And Finally, you need to be a good leader.

Leadership skills are so important for maintaining good friendships.

NOTICE how I am leading into the photo.

Also, notice the tree in the backside. (did you get the joke?)

NO? (look closer!!!)

The tree appears as if it is a crown on the top of my friend's (Ayush's) head.

Now you got it?


And this is where we end our today's tutorial. I hope you enjoyed your lesson today, and would continue visiting my blog to keep yourself updated with my life in Korea.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello Friends

Thanks for dropping by.

This is a blog that would serve as a memoir of my experience in South Korea, and also as a motivation to other KGSP applicants who want to know more about this scholarship and about life in Korea.

But before I go any further, let me tell you about KGSP.

KGSP (Korean government Scholarship Program) is a scholarship program funded by the Korean government to attract BRILLIANT MINDS (I know I am blushing over here, but that's what the scholarship program says in it's "Objective") from 62 countries (and counting) around the world.

I am a KGSP grantee from India (they had a quota for only 1 person from India this year, so I am the only grantee from India). I will be studying at Kyung Hee University from March 2014 to Feb 2015 for my language course, and then later at Seoul National University from March 2015 to Feb 2019 for my bachelors in physics.

If you want to know more about the KGSP scholarship, you can go visit:

Alright, now to the meat!!!

I was at the embassy this Tuesday for my visa (You can see the Korean embassy in the photo behind me. Yeah, I know I look weird in the photo. I was using the rear camera of my phone to take the photo, and I didn't want it to fall. So, yeah. This is like my happy-yet-careful photo. )

After arriving at the embassy, I was escorted to the Ambassador's office (I won't tell where... BEWARE  OF NORTH KOREAN SPIES in India) , where I had a small talk with him regarding studies in Korea, and about life in general in Korea (Yes, Koreans are very polite people!)

And after talking to the Korean Ambassador (and getting my Korean visa), I loitered around in some UNKNOWN place in Delhi, and then arrived at Mr. J Lee's home (Another nice Korean man). Mr. J Lee was one of the interviewer's during my interview (and I assume a good friend of Consul Lee), and he is currently a MD in one of the major Korean company.

We had a nice 1 hour long conversation about life in Korea, and about the culture shocks that I will soon receive. ***Koreans are very frank people*** Her wife served me a green tea and told me that she doesn't have any milk (Does that ever happen in India?). And yeah, the story of the surviving cups, that was interesting too.

Anyways, I guess this is too much action for one post. Stay tuned for future posts! (and don't forget to subscribe...? Wait, do you have anything like that on Blogspot?)
